Thursday, October 3, 2013

You Must Watch This Film

Tap, tap, tap.  Is this blog on?

I don’t usually go more than a week without posting, but life is moving fast these days.  Marathon in 17 days, two weddings in the next two weeks, and oh yeah, my day job.  Overwhelmed is my current status.

But rather than say nothing, I thought I’d pop in and say hello.  (Hi!)  I have a film recommendation, which, if you haven’t seen it, will give you chills.  I thought it was incredible.  It filled me with hope and rage at the same time.  Paul and I watched it together.  I think he had seen it before, and topically, it’s something we talk about a lot.  So without further ado, please click on over to watch…

The Lightbulb Conspiracy: Planned Obsolescence

(Scroll down a bit.  The “backup link” version worked for me here in the United States.)

Happy almost-weekend, friends.

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