Sunday, February 17, 2013

Inspired by NOLA

NOLA Sometimes

{Inspired by NOLA}

Today was a lovely day, our second full day in New Orleans.  It’s funny to me that there are many reasons why I shouldn’t like this city: I don’t love crowds, loud bars and restaurants exhaust me, I stop drinking after two glasses of anything, and it’s tough trying to eat as a vegetarian.  But then there’s everything else about the New Orleans experience: the live music on street corners, the charming locals, the gorgeous architecture, the way this city is just steeped in history, the way that everyone we encountered this weekend was so excited to be in the Crescent City.  It’s a really magical place, and I can remember feeling it more than ten years ago when I first visited the city.  The magic is still there, but this time, I’ve had more time to enjoy it.

This afternoon we wandered around the French Market.  Inside one of the charming art shops, I found a print of a bird and a snail.  Next to the bird were the words, “Sometimes quickly.”  Next to the snail were the words, “Sometimes slowly.”  There were also lovely pieces with quotes from Rumi and Hafiz.  I’m not exaggerating when I say that I had a moment of transcendence with the art, just soaking in the beauty and wisdom of those images, those words.  I’ve been loving my project of pairing Rumi quotes with images, so finding Rumi among the art in New Orleans was just lovely.

Today’s image is my attempt to take home a memory of the art I saw today, just a little reminder to let things move at their own pace.  Like the birds and the snails and the turtles, I too have my own pace.  So do you.  And I think we are at our best when we are able to move through life at the pace that’s right for us.

1 comment:

Rosiecat24 said...

Fun fact: we spotted some tiny turtles sunning themselves in City Park, and that's where the turtle photo above came from!