Thursday, February 14, 2013

You Know

Happy Valentine’s Day, my sweet readers!  I brought you flowers.

Yellow Rose

A yellow rose for friendship.  Incidentally, yellow roses are my mother’s favorite, and of course we can’t talk about yellow roses without a nod to Texas.  (I’m going to skip the close feminist reading of that song for now.)

I asked my dear friend Ammie to be my valentine, and she said yes!  But I hope she doesn’t mind sharing, because I want all of you to be my valentines.  I can’t help it—this holiday gets me feeling all polyamorous.

(So, will you be my valentine?  Please say yes.)

Happy, happy day to you.  You know how I feel about you.


Laurie said...

You are so sweet! Happy Valentine's Day to you too! Are you sure it's the holiday provoking your polyamorous feelings? After all, you do spend your workdays observing the mating habits of fruit flies...

Rosiecat24 said...

Hee hee! That's funny you should mention the flies, Laurie. The females are not what I would call polyamorous at all. They're more like serial monogamists: after mating once, they won't mate again with any male for several days. But the most fascinating thing is that their short-term monogamy is mediated by a protein called sex peptide, which is transferred from male to female in the ejaculate during mating.

Male flies, on the other hand, are much more free-spirited about love ;-)

Raquelita said...

I would love to be your Valentine! I just hope it won't involve a sex peptide. I prefer getting my protein from scrambled eggs and kale. (Sorry. I'm a little tipsy and that brings out the worst in my dorky humor, which is considered by some not to be funny at all.)

Chrissy said...

Happy Valentine's Day! The valentine's the better, I say. :)

Rosiecat24 said...

Raquelita, your dorky humor is delightful! I'm so glad we are valentines this year. (I too am glad that no sex peptide will be involved. That shit is bad for women. Also, eggs and kale? Yes, please!)

I agree, Chrissy! Happy (belated) Valentine's Day to you and yours. xoxo

You guys really are the best :-)